Friday, July 17, 2015

The spirit of Sabotage

The spirit of Sabotage operates through PEOPLE!
Sabotage: any underhand interference within production, work, etc., as by enemy agents during work-time/wartime; the act of destroying or damaging something deliberately so that it does not work correctly.
People that operate under the influence of and/or are agents of sabotage: 1. Their actions/deeds offer you doubt instead of faith 2. Their actions/deeds bring instability 3. They are eager to defile your name 4. They are self-centered their sentences always begin with "I" 5. They are NOT focused on the vision BUT their comfort/agenda 6. They don't come to ADD but to deplete 7. Complainers NOT workers 8. Most sabotage agents are viewed as "innocent" and/or "clueless" These are just a FEW! If you are a visionary, leader, and/or entrepreneur please be advised of the signs.
Those Sabotage agents can be recognized as leaders themselves surrounded by "sleeper agents" and "passive sponsors", while their ironically sabotaging anothers ministry, vision, and/or business their actively building theirs.
Sleeper agents: they lie dormant, not acting until told to do so. Passive sponsors: A person guilty of passive sponsorship, knowingly allowing a person to spread their theology, recruit, or otherwise flourish at anothers expense.
~Pastor RD

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