Thursday, December 31, 2015

Happy New Year 2016!

Happy New Year from Pastor RD to you!
Let's go back to the alter in 2016 and don't forget your sacrifice.
~Pastor RD

Pastor Robin L. Dodson 
Book~inar Workshops NEW dates/time:
A unique book club/empowering study group.

Quote from Pearls-The Core Uniqueness of a Woman ©

Friday, December 18, 2015

***A great GIFT***

UNMASKING Workbook Vol 1- A Change in one’s ALLEGIANCE©!

Buy on, Books A Million or order directly at: and we will invoice you. Gift packages are available as well, also email Pastor Robin L. Dodson​ for more info. #pastorrd



Quote: UNMASKING Vol.1- A change in one's Allegiance ©

Thursday, December 17, 2015

***NEW Jan 2016 Book~inar Workshops dates***

Q. What is a Book~inar Workshops:
A. A unique book club/empowering study group. #pastorrd

~J O I N Me & Register, invite at-least 1 person~


Choices as of NOW (but are subject to change) :
Pearls-The core uniqueness of a woman ©
UNMASKING Vol.1- A change in one's Allegiance ©

UNMASKING Vol. 1 pt.1- starts Thurs. Jan. 7th @ 8:30pm est
UNMASKING Vol. 1 pt.2- starts Tue. Jan. 12th @ 8:30pm est
Pearls - starts Wed. Jan. 13th @ 8:30pm est


Quote: UNMASKING Vol.1- A change in one's Allegiance ©

Pearls-The Core Uniqueness of a Woman ©

What a great way to support us and sow into a special woman. As we make our last PUSH to "Women Empowerment book of the year". Purchase "Pearls" for yourself, mother, sisters, aunts and/or friends.‪#‎pastorrd‬
I promise they'll thank you for years and we will to!
Bountiful blessings,

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

The Sevenfold Spirit of YAH (God)

"I, John, with you all the way in the trial and the Kingdom and the passion of patience in Jesus, was on the island called Patmos because of God’s Word, the witness of Jesus. It was Sunday and I was in the Spirit, praying. I heard a loud voice behind me, trumpet-clear and piercing: “Write what you see into a book. Send it to the seven churches: to Ephesus, Smyrna, Pergamum, Thyatira, Sardis, Philadelphia, Laodicea.” I turned and saw the voice. I saw a gold menorah with seven branches,..." Rev 1:9-12 MSGV

"Lightning flash and thunder crash pulsed from the Throne. Seven fire-blazing torches fronted the Throne (these are the Sevenfold Spirit of God). Before the Throne it was like a clear crystal sea." Rev 4:5 MSGV

Lampstand – Menorah  (Symbolism of Construction) –Read Exodus 25:31-40
7 Lamps – (7 = Fullness or Perfection)
6 Branches – (6= Man, Flesh, Works)
3 Branches on each side – (3 = Perfect Unity)
1 Shaft (Central Vine) – (1 = Oneness, Lordship)

Seven Lamps of the Menorah
Isaiah 11:2 (Each lamp of the menorah represents a ministry of the Holy Spirit)
1.  The Spirit of the Lord
2.  The Spirit of Wisdom
3.  The Spirit of Understanding
4.  The Spirit of Counsel
5.  The Spirit of Might
6.  The Spirit of Knowledge
7.  The Spirit of the Fear of the Lord

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

UNMOVABLE 2015 was a GREAT Success!

I personally want to thank everyone for making the UNMOVABLE 2015 a great success!
~Pastor RD

Click link to view Youthful Expressions Y.E.2 
"UNMOVABLE" 2015 Teen Conference Highlights!

Friday, July 17, 2015

The spirit of Sabotage

The spirit of Sabotage operates through PEOPLE!
Sabotage: any underhand interference within production, work, etc., as by enemy agents during work-time/wartime; the act of destroying or damaging something deliberately so that it does not work correctly.
People that operate under the influence of and/or are agents of sabotage: 1. Their actions/deeds offer you doubt instead of faith 2. Their actions/deeds bring instability 3. They are eager to defile your name 4. They are self-centered their sentences always begin with "I" 5. They are NOT focused on the vision BUT their comfort/agenda 6. They don't come to ADD but to deplete 7. Complainers NOT workers 8. Most sabotage agents are viewed as "innocent" and/or "clueless" These are just a FEW! If you are a visionary, leader, and/or entrepreneur please be advised of the signs.
Those Sabotage agents can be recognized as leaders themselves surrounded by "sleeper agents" and "passive sponsors", while their ironically sabotaging anothers ministry, vision, and/or business their actively building theirs.
Sleeper agents: they lie dormant, not acting until told to do so. Passive sponsors: A person guilty of passive sponsorship, knowingly allowing a person to spread their theology, recruit, or otherwise flourish at anothers expense.
~Pastor RD

WTWI 2015 was a GREAT Success!

I personally want to thank everyone that made WTWI 2015 a great success!
~Pastor RD

Click link to view Woman to Woman Impartation (WTWI) 
2015 Highlights!

Saturday, April 4, 2015


UNMASKING Vol.2- A change in one's Expectations ©

Expected to release by Fall 2016

Available NOW 

UNMASKING Vol.1- A change in one's Allegiance ©

***UNMASKING Vol #1 testimonial***

"Once I finish with this move I can get back into the workbook you wrote. God has me reading that one and the 40 day fast by Cindy trimm. I am shaking off and out of this inferior of a person I have turned into, to be come the true, authentic person God created me to be and both books seem to be helping me a great deal. Please give me a few weeks and I will share more."
from: Wenona Ford
to: "Pastor Robin L. Dodson" <>


The "UNMASKING" workbook(s) author overwhelmingly has a passion, hope and desire; that each individual whom reads, uses and applies this prophetically birthed and strategically coordinated revelatory tool in their lives; will live an abundantly "unmasked" fulfilled life.  
A liberating life of freedom which is freely given to every individual created in the image and likeness of YAH (God), to live the authentic original designed purpose YAH created them to be, “God said, Let Us [Father, Son, and Holy Spirit] make mankind in Our image, after Our likeness, and let them have complete authority over the fish of the sea, the birds of the air, the [tame] beasts, and over all of the earth, and over everything that creeps upon the earth. So God created man in His own image, in the image and likeness of God He created him; male and female He created them. And God blessed them and said to them, Be fruitful, multiply, and fill the earth, and subdue it [using all its vast resources in the service of God and man]; and have dominion over the fish of the sea, the birds of the air, and over every living creature that moves upon the earth.” (Genesis 1:26-28 AMPV)

Pearls-The Core Uniqueness of a Woman ©

As the author I went through great lengths to give the formation, history and revolution of the pearl "Queen of Gems", showing the similarities metaphorically between the pearl and woman; their both meticulously created. She wants every woman to know, "Love, you’re a priceless jewel in the eyesight of your creator, YAH (God) cherishes you as the authentic pearl that you are."
Pastor RD

Connect with Pastor Robin via social media!