Thursday, December 31, 2015

Happy New Year 2016!

Happy New Year from Pastor RD to you!
Let's go back to the alter in 2016 and don't forget your sacrifice.
~Pastor RD

Pastor Robin L. Dodson 
Book~inar Workshops NEW dates/time:
A unique book club/empowering study group.

Quote from Pearls-The Core Uniqueness of a Woman ©

Friday, December 18, 2015

***A great GIFT***

UNMASKING Workbook Vol 1- A Change in one’s ALLEGIANCE©!

Buy on, Books A Million or order directly at: and we will invoice you. Gift packages are available as well, also email Pastor Robin L. Dodson​ for more info. #pastorrd



Quote: UNMASKING Vol.1- A change in one's Allegiance ©

Thursday, December 17, 2015

***NEW Jan 2016 Book~inar Workshops dates***

Q. What is a Book~inar Workshops:
A. A unique book club/empowering study group. #pastorrd

~J O I N Me & Register, invite at-least 1 person~


Choices as of NOW (but are subject to change) :
Pearls-The core uniqueness of a woman ©
UNMASKING Vol.1- A change in one's Allegiance ©

UNMASKING Vol. 1 pt.1- starts Thurs. Jan. 7th @ 8:30pm est
UNMASKING Vol. 1 pt.2- starts Tue. Jan. 12th @ 8:30pm est
Pearls - starts Wed. Jan. 13th @ 8:30pm est


Quote: UNMASKING Vol.1- A change in one's Allegiance ©

Pearls-The Core Uniqueness of a Woman ©

What a great way to support us and sow into a special woman. As we make our last PUSH to "Women Empowerment book of the year". Purchase "Pearls" for yourself, mother, sisters, aunts and/or friends.‪#‎pastorrd‬
I promise they'll thank you for years and we will to!
Bountiful blessings,