Sunday, June 16, 2013

Fathers Day

Fathers day has arrived and we want to honor all the exemplary fathers today; exemplary: deserving imitation : commendable <his courage was exemplary>; also : deserving imitation because of excellence; commendable: 1: to entrust for care or preservation 2: to recommend as worthy of confidence or notice 3: to mention with approbation : praise.  Truly I have learned the value of a man becoming a father, while observing my Abba Father through the word of God. How our heavenly Father so eloquently describes the fatherly characteristic through His love. One fatherly attribute is a type of shepherding: to guide or guard in the manner of a [shepherd]; don't you agree the greatest fathers/father figures have guided and guarded you through some of life struggles. Psalm 78:72 AMPV; So [David] was their shepherd with an upright heart; he guided them by the discernment and skillfulness [which controlled] his hands. Today as we honor our fathers/father figures, we also lift them up before our Abba Father, that our fathers/father figures will continue to be lead by the Great Shepherd, to increase their discernment and become skillful as they fill in the gaps, guide and guard the family through life struggles.

Fathers/father figures, Thanks again for filling the Gaps, Guarding, and Guiding us.
May God richly bless every Father Today!

Pastor Robin Dodson